Level III Line Item Detail

Level III Line Item Data or Line Item Detail is additional information regarding a purchase. Level III Data,  defines what’s being purchased, how the sale takes place and who is involved.

Think of information you would generally find on an invoice.  Sending Level III Data means including this information with when you process a credit card transaction.

Level III is generally used by for  government credit card transactions but anyone accepting commercial transactions can take advantage of the savings Level III Line Item Detail can provide.  It can also give those selling to the government an advantage as its in demand.


Level III lowers cost/interchange.  Interchange is the amount of a charge that goes back to the bank that issued the credit card. Interchange can amount to 80% of the fees a business pays to accept credit cards.  Level III allows a business to capture revenue that is and will otherwise go to the bank that issued the credit card.

This is savings up and above you can receive from a processor lowering your  rate.  Despite what most people have been led to believe , All processors operate off the same cost which is interchange , 100% this goes to the card issuing banks and something processors have no influence over.   The only negotiable fee merchants pay is the processors markup.

This is one many reasons why if your selling to other businesses or government its imperative you work with a processor experienced in setting up businesses to pass level 3 data.  If your processors doesn’t have you set up with the correct rate structure you will not see 100% of the savings.

If you have questions on Level III processing, want to speak with a professional consultant or take advantage of our no obligation level III analysis email [email protected] or call 703 726 4983

GSA Level 3 Processing

Revolution Payment Systems supports Level III processing through: Quickbooks, Mobile, eCommerce, Magento level 3 extension and has a level 3 solution for authorize.net users.

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