government p cards

Purchasing cards, GSA SmartPay, and Level 2 & 3 credit card processing

  Revolution payment systems specializing in helping merchants qualify for lower interchange rates by implementing level 2 and or level 3 processing. Many merchants focus only on rate as a...
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Level 3 merchant account

Card Knowledge – Level 3 Purchase Card Data "Level-1" card data is typically associated with consumer transactions and provides limited purchase data back to the cardholder. "Level-2" data adds more...
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Level 3 Processing for Government Cards

Level 3 Processing for Government Cards, why its a must! Each year more companies and government agencies expand their purchase card programs (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX). While the federal government’s SmartPay®...
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So what is interchange, and why does it exist? When a merchant accepts a card for payment, they pay a “merchant discount fee,” which is typically 2 – 2.5% of...
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Accepting GSA Smart Cards

Businesses and vendors that wish to obtain a schedule contract to do business with the Federal Government are required to accept the GSA SmartPay charge cards as a method of...
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