I need to process level 3 for GSA
Understanding Level I, Level II, and Level III Credit Card Processing
Level 3 data savings Understanding Level I, Level II, and Level III Credit Card Processing along with the rates and fees that impact your bottom line...
Level I, Level II, Level III Credit Card Processing
Level I, Level II, Level III Credit Card Processing defines the different interchange categories/qualification for B2B and B2G credit card transactions. Level 3 credit card processing is a different way...
Level 3 credit card processing savings
If your company accepts credit cards from other businesses and or government and your not including level 3 credit card processing data, you are leaving a lot of money on...
Level 3 data processing
I'd like to share a few ideas that can help you lower your cost of accepting B2B and B2G transactions by up to 40% regardless of the rate your processor...
Streamline Your Accounts Payable Process
Wouldn't it be great if the accounts payable process was just easier? We think so too. We're Revolution Payments. And we're here to help you streamline your accounts payable process...
Issuing Ghost Cards
Understanding ghost card payments: Ghost cards can help you streamline the purchasing process at your company while allowing you to track expenses by each department while earning a percentage of...
Accept Payments With Xero
Revolution payments reveals a solution to Accept Payments With Xero accounting software. This payment integration allows Xero accounting software users to process and qualify for level 3 credit card processing...
Winning Government Contracts
Winning government contracts and keeping more profits!! Once you win a government contract how can you keep more of your money? One way contractors can offer government clients the best...
Purchasing – Card Not Present
Purchasing - Card Not Present Interchange: 2.70% + $0.10 Purchasing Card Not Present is the Visa Interchange rate for a purchasing card type card not present credit transaction. Change History:...
Level 3 Processing Data : What It Is and How to Qualify for level 3 interchange rates-Revolution Payments
Level 3 processing data is additional line-item detail that is entered when processing a commercial or government credit card. Visa and MasterCard created special interchange rates to entice merchants to...
Commercial Product Large Ticket
Companies accepting large credit card transactions from other businesses or government should make sure they are set up to receive Commercial Product Large Ticket interchange rates. Visa and MasterCard offer large...
How to lower credit card processing interchange fees
I'm going to explain how to lower credit card processing interchange fees. You can implement some of these ideas to reduce the interchange fees you pay to accept credit cards. ...