How do you get a level III merchant account?
Signing up for a level III merchant account requires a few things.
1. Choose a merchant service provider who has experience working with and setting up level III merchant accounts. Just because your set up to pass level III line item detail doesn’t mean your merchant account is set up to receive the lower interchange incentives.
2. Cost plus or interchange pricing. This will ensure your transactions are qualifying at the lowest interchange rates.
3. Level III payment technology. Level III processing requires certain information be passed along with the payment transactions. You need to make sure your utilizing a payment gateway capable of passing line item detail. Credit card terminals will NOT support level III requirements.
Revolution payment systems specializes in level III processing and can help your company manage interchange qualification while streamlining the way your accepting payments.
Revolution payment systems makes it very easy to set up a level III merchant account and savings without changing the way you do business.
888-790-3450 [email protected]