Revolution payment systems specializing in helping merchants qualify for lower interchange rates by implementing level 2 and or level 3 processing. .
Visa and MasterCard business, commercial, government and purchasing cards are used similar to personal credit cards.
However, Level 2&3 transactions carry lower interchange rates due to lower risk B2B or B2G situations and fraud, chargebacks, etc are less and the costs are lower. In addition, the merchant is incented to provide the increased data to support the industrial buyer and improve their card accounting.
Aside from just the rate, many other factors go into your overall bottom line costs for accepting credit cards. Education plays a huge role in getting transactions to qualify at lower interchange levels.
Many merchants have never been shown what they are paying, compared to actual cost, how to spot downgrades, what causes them, how to prevent them and most importantly how to reclassify your business to business transactions
Revolution Payment Systems has been helping merchants qualify for lower interchange for 13 years I encourage you to call revolution and speak with one of our specialists for a no obligation consultation. You may be able to save hundreds to thousands per month in processing dollars by keeping the same rate you already have. Capture lost revenue by qualifying your transactions more effectively.
888 790 3450
Revolution Payment Systems