SIC code 4900
Is your company in compliance with the upcoming Level-3 GSA mandate?
This email will discuss the fundamental changes taking place, which will soon be mandated, that your company should prepare for. Contractors that want to remain successful must adopt the...
Merchants who sell to other businesses or the government should understand the basics of Level 3 Processing.
Merchants who sell to other businesses or the government should understand the basics of Level 3 Processing. If you're not familiar with Level 3 Processing there is a good...
Level III Payment Solutions
Challenging economic climates force companies to continually seek new efficiencies and to explore new cost cutting methods that will improve the bottom line. Consulting with a level III payment professional...
Processing level 3 data and GSA cards
If your company sells to the government and not set up to process level 3 detail, you could be losing out on business. Government buyers are encouraged to choose vendors...
Visa Commercial Card Interchange
Business/Commercial Card B2B 2.10% + $0.10 Visa Signature Preferred Corp B2B 2.10% + $0.10 Visa Signature Preferred Corp Electronic 2.40% + $0.10 Visa Signature Preferred Corp Retail 2.10% + $0.10...
What You Should Know About Level 3 Processing
What You Should Know About Level 3 Processing Level 3 processing allows your business to process business-to-business and business-to-government sales more effectively and at a much lower cost. Merchants...
Level 3 Payment Gateway
Level 3 processing has never been easier with a level 3 merchant account from Revolution Payment Systems. Aside from helping you set up and process level 3 data our gateway...
Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) and Level 3 Processing
In March of 2012 the GSA published a presentation that clarified the relationship between the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) and the need for Level-3 financial data. Entitled “Point-Of-Sale...
Intuit level 3 processing
If your business is using quickbooks and needs the ability to process level 3 data, revolution payment systems can help. Our easy to use and implement solution will allow you...
Level III Processing Through a Smartphone?
Now you can process level 3 payments from your customers securely and cost effectively, from your smartphone or iPad. Revolution payment systems makes it even easier for merchants to set...
Need To Process Government Purchase Cards?
If your business needs to accept Government Purchase Cards or needs the ability to process level 3 line item detail on these transactions Revolution Payment Systems can help. If your...
Accepting GSA Cards For Your Business
GSA SmartPay2 cardholders may carry the following card brands: Visa, MasterCard, and Voyager. Voyager cards may only be used for fleet related purchases. You can maximize your ability to capture...