Level III processing
The use of Business to Business transactions, like Purchasing, GSA, Business, or Corporate cards, has become more and more common as corporations and government agencies replace paper purchase orders with...
Level 3 Processing Gateway
Revolution payments new level 3 gateway can help you qualify for level 3 interchange without changing the way you currently process transactions. We can automatically submit the qualifying data fields required...
Need a Utility Merchant Account
Utility Industry Rates Power, Sewer, Natural Gas, and Sanitation are considered Utilities by Visa, MasterCard and Discover and qualify for significantly reduced interchange rates. Working with experienced utility payment professional...
Utility Merchant Account
If you provide utility payments and need to accept credit cards or accept now and not set up with a utility merchant account, your company could significantly lower your bottom...
Need to process level 3 or level 2 payments?
If your business accepts business cards there is a good chance your transactions may not be qualifying at the lowest interchange rates. Did you know that the difference from the best possible...
How to get level 3 processing rates
Having the correct payment technology is required to receive the lower interchange rates for passing level 3 data. Credit card terminals will not support level 3 enhanced line item detail....
Choosing an Experienced Level 3 Merchant Service Provider
Choosing an experienced level 3 merchant service provider is very important to ensure your company receives the reduced interchange pricing for a level 3 merchant account. Its not as simple...
Visa B2B Credit Card Processing Interchange Rates
Visa announces new interchange rate for B2B merchants. Business-to-Business: Transactions eligible for the B2B rate must be CPS qualified (not qualifying for Level 2 rates) and be processed by merchants...
Accepting Government Purchase Cards
GSA SmartPay 2 is a follow-on program to the original GSA SmartPay program, the Government’s charge card program. Government cardholders utilize the program to pay for commercial goods and services,...
Level 2 and Level 3 Processing
Because Level-II and Level 3 Data is not widely used this is an oft-misunderstood part of the interchange guidelines.We know that all transactions qualify into a certain interchange category. A...
Process level 3 transactions through Quickbooks
Revolution payment systems Quickbooks plugin allows merchants to process level 3 transactions through Quickbooks. Submitting Level III credit card data can substantially reduce interchange rates and fees on Purchasing, GSA,...