Large Ticket Interchange
Accept Government P-cards & B2B Credit Card Transactions for Less!
Why do you accept credit cards? Is it only as a convenience for your customers, or are you interested in processing transactions at the lowest possible rates? If the latter,...
Level 2 & Level 3 Credit Card Processing Information
Revolution Payments and our specialized Level 2 & Level 3 processing solution for (B2B) Business-to-Business & (B2G) Business-to-Government credit card transactions can add roughly 1% to your profit margins without...
Level 2 & Level 3 Enhanced Data Processing
Revolution Payments, and our automated Level 2 & Level 3 Enhanced Data Processing reclassification technology can help you add 1% or more to your bottom line on your existing sales...
Level 3 Credit Card Processing
Accepting (B2B) Business-2-Business and (B2G) Business-2-Government credit cards is not as expensive as you may have been led to believe, IF you include Level 3 Line item detail. Level...
B2B & B2G Credit Card Processing & Reclassifying to Level 3 Interchange Rates
Revolution Payments can automatically reclassify your commercial, business and government cards to level 3 interchange rates. This will add about 1% to your bottom line regardless of your current rate...
Level 3 Credit Card Processing Interchange
Level 3 credit card processing interchange can be achieved very easily. Level 3 processing is a more sophisticated way of processing Business-2-Business (B2B) and Business-2-Government (B2G) credit card transactions that...
Enterprise Level-3 Processing
Revolution Payments enables enterprises to qualify for the lowest possible interchange rates with Level 3 Processing. We can extract Level II & Level III purchase date from your enterprise solution-...
“What’s your rate”
This is one of the first questions merchants often ask me during a conversation. Rate is important but keep this in mind, 75%-90% of the fees you pay don't even...
Level-3 Processing
Level 3 processing is a different way of accepting B2B & B2G credit card transactions that includes entering additional line item detail (item descriptions, quantities, tax detail, etc.) 75%-90% of...
Level-3 Processing & Interchange Audit
Manage your interchange rate qualification and ensure your business is processing as efficiently as possible with Level-3 Processing and an interchange audit from Revolution Payments
MasterCard Large Ticket Interchange Program
Explanation of the MasterCard Large Ticket Interchange Program
Poynt-Smart Payment Terminal
Revolution Payments now offers Poynt- The Worlds first Smart Payment Terminal Call for details 888 790 3450 or [email protected]