how to process fleet cards
Level 3 Credit Card Processing
Level 3 Credit Card Processing can reduce your cost of accepting credit cards from other businesses (B2B) or government (B2G) by up to 40%.
MasterCard Large Ticket Program
Business Large Ticket I Debit 1.25% + $40.00 Business Debit card transactions, accepted at non-T&E locations, level III data submitted, transaction amount between $7,255 and $24,999.99 Business Large Ticket II...
Add 1.5% to your bottom line with Level-3 Processing.
Important news for merchants who want to save thousands of dollars in credit card processing fees annually. You probably already know that Visa and MasterCard use “interchange fees” to...
Level 3 Credit Card Processing
Level 3 Credit Card Processing My name is Sean Jones; I’ve been in the Merchant Services industry for 20 years. Today I’m sharing a secret most banks would prefer you...
Level 3 Credit Card Processing
Level 3 Credit Card Processing Business-2-Business and Government transactions fall into one of three interchange categories; Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. The higher the level the lower the interchange rate....
Best Practices For Accepting B2B And B2G Credit Cards
A growing amount of business is being done with Commercial, Business & Government Cards, many of which qualify at the wrong interchange Rates and are driving up your costs. Much...
Best Practices for Accepting Government Purchase Cards (GPC)
Implement These Best Practices for Accepting Government Purchase Cards (GPC) to keep your business competitive, compliant while controlling your costs. Implemented properly your cost for accepting Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Government...
How Level 3 Processing Saves You Money
To fully grasp how level 3 processing reduces your processing costs you first need to understand that the bulk of fees you're paying to accept credit card goes directly back...
Add 1% To Your Profit Margins Without having to Increase your sales volume!
Despite what most have been lead to believe 75%-80% of the fees businesses pay to accept credit cards goes directly to the bank that issued the credit card, and referred...
Reduce your monthly processing Fees with a B2B & B2G Merchant Account
A B2B & B2G Merchant Account Can Lower The Cost of Accepting Commercial Cards by 40% Level 3 Interchange Rates 1.75% MasterCard 1.85% Visa .40%-1.58% transactions over $5800 Commercial Cards...
Identifying GSA SmartPay2 and GSA SmartPay Credit Cards
Identifying a GSA Smart Pay Purchasing Card Cards may be either a VISA or a MasterCard. Visa cards will begin with 4486, 4614 or 4716. MasterCard cards will begin with...