Point of Sale Transactional Data (PoST)The PoST pilot initiative
Accepting Large Ticket Credit Card Transactions.
Accepting Large Ticket Credit Card Transactions and Level-3 processing Solutions The large ticket program can significant reduce your Visa and MasterCard commercial transaction cost. Check with your current provider...
High Ticket Merchant Account
High Ticket Merchant Account: If your process commercial transactions ranging from $10,000-$500,000 you can take advantage of the High Ticket Interchange Rates. This provides additional savings up and above what...
Level 3 Processing | Revolution Payments
If your company sells to other businesses or the government your business the benefits from implementing level 3 processing can be very significant. What is Level 3 processing? Level 3...
GSA Large Ticket Interchange and Level 3 Processing
The Large Ticket Program can reduce your transaction cost up and above processing level 3 line item detail. If your company processes larger ticket transactions call Revolution Payments to learn...
Level-3 Processing
Level-3 processing is an advanced way of processing commercial transactions. Commercial cards have different capabilities that other types of credit cards. ...
Payeezy, Level 2 and Level 3 Functionality
Processing Level 2 and Level 3 in Payeezy The Payeezy Gateway℠ supports both the entry and searching of Level 2 and 3 data within the Real Time Payment Manager...
Government Contractors especially 51v schedule holders: You Need To know This
The government is making a shift in the way they are accepting credit cards and something you need should prepare for. When the GSA SmartPay program was initiated in 1989...
Government Agencies encouraged to choose vendors who process Level 3 Data
The Government has not mandated Level 3 processing yet, however GSA has added level 3 processing as a requirement for some contracts. Whether required to pass level line item detail...
Instantly Reduce Transaction cost on Purchasing Cards by up to 40% by sending level 3 detail
Sending level 3 line item detail on your commercial, fleet, business (MC), purchasing and government cards can reduce your transaction cost by up to 40%.....Instantly! Cost Savings-Visa and MasterCard created...
What is Level 3 line item data
Level 3 processing and sending line item detail is an advanced method of processing commercial, purchasing, fleet and government credit cards. It involves sending additional fields of data through the...