Capture Level 3 Data When Accepting Commercial Cards to Save!
Purchasing, commercial and business cards are used like personal credit cards however, these cards have enhanced reporting capabilities which provide card holders more detail of purchases. Merchants who are processing...
How Level 3 Transactions Improve B2G and B2G Transactions
How Level 3 Transactions Improve B2G and B2G Transactions. Commercial, Purchasing and Government cards have different capabilities than regular consumer credit cards. They have the ability to capture additional details...
Level 3 Transaction Reporting
MasterCard Federal Purchasing Card suppliers can better serve their customers by providing higher levels of transaction reporting with the most detailed data in the industry. MasterCard has defined three different...
Level 3 Data Requirements
A sample of Level 3 Data requirements are listed below. This information needs to be passed along with the payment transaction to qualify for Level-3 Interchange. Examples Level I and...
Commercial and Government Credit Card Transactions are less expensive If your processing Level 3 data
Did you know Commercial and Government Credit Card Transactions are less expensive than most other cards? They are if your processing Level-3 Data. Transactions you’re accepting from other businesses or...
Level-3 Interchange Rates
Level III Processing Interchange Category Savings Apr 2013 Visa Interchange Category MPS SHORT DESCRIPTION % Rate + Per Item % Savings PI Savings Purchasing Card Level III Data Rate COMM...
Level-3 Data, The MUST Have in Today’s Government Market
Level-3 Data is a MUST Have in Today's Government Market Most government contractors know importance of Level-3 data has become in the current market. And if by some chance you aren’t...
Lowering your credit card expenses with Level 3 processing
If you sell business-to-government or business-to-business, your can reduce your credit card processing fees by implementing a level 3 payment solution. Level 3 processing is an advanced processing method for...
Level 3 Processing Merchant Account
Revolution Payment Systems is the authority when it comes to level 3 processing. Level 3 processing merchant account is perfect for companies dealing with government purchases, government contractors, B2B transactions,...
Level 3 Processing to lower credit card costs
Level 3 processing is an advanced method of processing Business and Government transactions. Level 3 processing allows vendors/merchants to lower credit card processing costs by providing additional information while processing...
Level 3 Processing Rates
If your company sells Business-to-Business and or Business-to-Government you should not overlook the benefits of level 3 processing. Credit card transactions are broken into 3 different levels. The levels are...
GSA and Level III Data Mandates
GSA has started to mandate level-3 on certain GSA schedules. The Point of Sale Transactional Data (PoST) Pilot Program requires that 51 V, 67, and 58 I schedule holders with designated SIN...